Rolling Out The Red Carpet...

We had a lively discussion this morning. I started out the morning with Lisa Dente a military mom with a husband serving and she was a little perterbed about the Town of Columbus providing bathrooms for these low life pro-testers. I decided to pile on a bit too with the local news media (Ledger Enquirer, News 3, News Leader 9) giving a ridiculous amount of coverage to these guys while stiffing God Bless Fort Benning Day. CNN and Fox News have proven again that they do a better job of local Columbus Coverage with major events then our local television stations. CNN was there the entire God Bless Fort Benning event with live coverage while Fox News mentioned God Bless Fort Benning Day several times including Fox and Friends. It just proves that the news media in this town is lazy and is as left as the day is long. I guarantee if the planners of this event gave the local news media a couple a thousand dollars in advertisments you'd see how patriotic they can be. So I'm assuming if you want the Ledger, News 3 and News Leader 9 to be patriotic for a day and ignore the protesters you better pay em up! How bout them apples junior?