Church Closed Christmas Day

"Mail Bag Monday"
I wanted to share this letter with you I recieved from Pam in Columbus. Feel free to post your comments. Should churches close their doors on Sunday because it's Christmas day? Two large metro Atlanta churches will not offer services on Christmas Sunday, anticipating low attendance and seeking to give their volunteers a break. Do you agree with their move? Are you going to church on Christmas or are you skipping it to open presents? Would love to hear from you.
Here's the letter.........................
Wild Bill,
I’m flabbergasted over everyone taking the “Christ” out of Christmas. I was reading in the Atlanta Journal Constitution how some of the biggest churches in Atlanta, Charles Stanley’s First Baptist and his son Andy Stanley’s Northpoint Community Church will be closing it’s doors on Christmas Day. I’m noticing a few churches around Columbus and Phenix City following suit which pains me even more. I understand when churches do not hold services during natural disasters. But not offering a service on the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Christ may indicate the church has “lost the true meaning of Christmas” or maybe they suspect that many people will be away visiting and their numbers won’t look good. It seems any church should offer one service on a Christmas Sunday. I will be attending church on Christmas day. My church has decided that the holiest day of the year should be kept each year! We have church no matter which day the week Christmas falls. It’s as it should be. I am shocked that one of the 2 holiest days of the year should be an off day. This is more evidence that the real reason for the season has gotten lost in the hoopla of a Santa Clause and people being more wrapped up in receiving rather that giving. I guess the ACLU has finally succeeded in taking Christ out of Christmas.
Sincerely Pam,
Columbus GA