Monday, May 15, 2006

Dixie Chicks on 60 minutes

Lot of passion this morning over the Dixie Chicks with their interview on 60 minutes Sunday. We actually stumbled onto an interesting discussion from a few Dixie Chicks fans that told me "I support the troops but am against the war"

Can you really support the troops and be against the war at the same time. Absolutely not!!!!
It's a double negative. Think about it. It doesn't make sense. This is one of these little buzz phrases used by politicians and the main stream media that people latch on to without thinking.

Have you heard the phrase, partisanship stops at the water's edge? Those days are long gone. The time for being against the war is before there is a declaration of war. Once the president commits to war you stand behind the President's decision as Commander and Chief, you support the troops and support the war effort. For those of you who say I support the troops but don't support the war, what are you supporting???? their choice of haircut? Support the troops would mean supporting their mission.

Charlie Daniels told me on my show a few months ago that everybody that he has met in Iraq believes they are winning and the press is not reporting it and military men and women feel demoralized when they hear a constant barage of Anti - Bush, Anti- War, and Anti Military sentiment. Let's support our troops and support the war efforts and do away with treasonous double talk.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you Wild Bill. Our country is the most powerful country in the world. It is our job to assist other nations that are governed by tyrants and those who support the Taliban. People do not keep that in mind, the Taliban, the ones who have no problem killing innocent people who are not soldiers, like our countrymen in the World Trade Center Towers who were just going about their everyday lives then needlessly murdered for our way of life. Our government officals which we elect to govern our nation determined it was necessary for war so people should stop complaining and let the President and our Troops continue doing their jobs and support them not slander them and discourage their efforts and their bloodshed. I do not like war but it necessary at times for the greater good. If the Dixie Chicks do not like the war then have them go tell the Taliban that and let me know how that turns out.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dixie Chicks are hot hot hot! I still don't see what all the fuss was about their political views a couple years back. They're too hot to shun.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could care less what the Chicks think. I'm a huge Jimmy Buffett fan as well. I'm not going to stop being a parrothead just because I don't agree with Buffett. My views are more in line with Wild Bill, Ted Nugent and Charlie Daniels, but if I got mad at every lib, I would only have two artists to listen too. Big deal. Some country music fans take life WAY too seriously. Just my two cents. O'Reilly in Grand Forks, ND.

Friday, July 21, 2006


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