Laundry incident

I'm starting to get requests to tell this embarassing story once again and it's driving me crazy!!!!
My mom got me this laundry bag from Equador. It's made out of rope. You can put up to 50 pounds plus of laundry in this bag.
I was planning on visiting my parents and meeting up with a friend from Tennesse this past weekend. I was rushing to get out of the door and was hoping to bring my dirty laundry so I could do it at my parents.
I picked up my laundry bag dragged all 50 plus pounds to the back of my car. I thought I put it in the trunk. I drove for about 5 miles through Smith Station AL till someone told me I was dragging laundry. I stopped the car and come to find out I never put it in my trunk, I backed over it and dragged my laundry bag on the highway for 5 miles leaving a trail of everything. I had to back track and pick it all up.
What was most embarassing. There was this good looking chick at this nearby gas station that saw my clothes coming out of the car. When I was making my way back looking for clothes. She comes up to me holding my undies and saying , "Are these yours?" It can't get worse than that. It's bad enough for your mother to hold up your underwear, even worse for a girlfriend, and 50 times as worst as a beautiful stranger you never met. That's gotta suck.
My dad had the last word when I was leaving to go back home from his house, "Hey Will, need me to tie your laundry bag to your tail-pipe?"
Will : This is your Dad. If you had done your laundry at home yourself instead of using up all of our detergent this would have never happened.
Friday, December 09, 2005
I agree with your Dad you really should be doing your own laundry at home. You're what 33 years old. Get a grip or better yet get a wife to do it for ya. That Megan sounds like she might do. Hope the only skid marks were from the Michelin man.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
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